Thursday, November 26, 2009



Linked In is a new social networking site that is dedicated to business. It is like most social networking sites in which people create their own page of information to display to others only these pages contain mostly business information. The main purpose of this website is to help people connect with other users in order to accomplish something for their company. When you create your LinkedIn page, you display the information that people would need to know about your what you do and what services you provide or are looking for. Once this information is available it is very easy to be connected to someone who needs your help or someone that can help you with what work you need done. You can search the LinkedIn database for people of specific nature of work so that you can be in contact with someone who can help you the most. People can also search database and find you if you match their search specifications. By searching the website, companies can meet up with investors for a company, advertisers to get the companies name out to the public, or future clients. Another thing you can do is post listings for jobs to find someone qualified enough for what you need. Like any other social networking site though, LinkedIn has its negatives. Just like the other sites, once you create your page, anyone else on the site can view your page. Because of this, you might get many offers and requests that do not fit your need and are not what you are looking for. The business benefits of this website can far outweigh the few flaws of this system though. Because it is meant mainly for business, there aren't many social, entertainment or news benefits of this website.

Google Docs

Google Docs

Google docs is a relatively new website for storing files online. Not only does it allow the storage of files, but it allows the user to edit the file online without having to make multiple copies of it. It is a free website that can manage files of different types including text documents, spreadsheets and other basic file formats. Not only are these files accessible to the person who uploaded them, but the person can also invite other people to work on the project as well. Google docs can be very helpful for business use. Many times when a company is working on a project, multiple employees are sending different files in email attachments each time something is changed on the project. With google docs, this is no longer a problem. Instead of email attachments from everyone, one person can start the project on google docs. Once it is started, they can invite whoever else they need to work on it as well, all in the same document. This makes everything much more organized because instead of having so many copies of such a similar thing, you can have one copy that is revised by everyone. Google docs can also makes storage of documents much easier. Now, instead of caring around usb drives and other portable hard drives, you can just save files to google docs. From there, you can access the file from any computer over the internet. The only problem is that if the internet is down, it is not possible to get to your file at the time. Because google docs is more of a file storage website then a social networking site, there are no real social, news or entertainment functions.

Social Networking

Social Networking

Social Networking websites are becoming extremely popular these days. Two of the most popular sites are myspace and facebook. Myspace was one of the sites that helped social networking sites gain momentum in the first place and now is used mostly for music while facebook is now taking over as the top site. Social networking like these are extremely useful. Social networking is good for businesses. It gives businesses a free way to advertise and get their companies name out to the public. If they want to go a little further, they can pay these sites to get more advertising on them so that almost anyone that uses these websites can see the companies name. The main purpose of these websites is for social uses of keeping in touch with people. These websites allow people to become friends with who they want. Once you are friends with someone on a social networking site, you can stay in contact with them. You can view their personal pages, view their pictures and videos and send messages back and forth with that person. They can also provide a lot of entertainment to people. Myspace, for example, is very good for people posting music. Up and coming bands and musicians create myspace pages to post their music. Once they post it, anyone they are friends with can listen to their music. These sites also have some applications built in to allow users to play games. It can also be good for people getting any news they have out to by posting it to their social networking pages. These sites are very useful as long as they are used the right way. When people apply for a job, or apply to a college, the organization will sometimes check their applicants social network pages. This can cause alot of trouble for some people if they have inappropriate material because the organization will not want them, but if there is nothing bad on the page, these sites are great.

Twitter Analysis

Twitter Analysis

Twitter is the newest method of keeping people updating about what they’re friends or people of interest are doing. You can post updates as to what is going on in your life as well as read short updates of friends, family and co-workers. Twitter is sometimes considered to be the SMS of the internet allowing up to only 140 characters per post. Twitter can be a very effective method of getting information out for people to see as long as it is used correctly and responsibly. Some people push the limit by posting inappropriate or false information which can get them in trouble. If used correctly though, Twitter has many different uses.

One of the popular uses of Twitter if for business use. Business' can use it for many purposes including staying in contact with other companies. They can follow these other companies on Twitter to stay connected with them and follow anything new that may happen with these companies. Twitter is used by business' as a network between them, other companies and also their employees. Instead of sending out a mass email to everyone who works for them, these companies can just tweet whatever information they need to get out to the employees. What makes this network more useful then other websites or systems, is that it is free to use, which saves the company money.

Twitter is one of the newest up and coming social networking sites with a lot to offer. It offers an easy way to stay in contact with friends and follow them closely. Once you are following them, their tweets can be displayed on your own page so you can see what everyone you are following is up to. It is allows you to see what anyone you are following has posted or been up to. People can also post pictures for friends to see on Twitter.

Entertainment is another industry that can flourish on Twitter. Many celebrities and professional athletes are on Twitter and have tons of followers. These people receive the tweets that these people post which keeps them updated as to what is going on in the entertainment world. The actors and actress' can tweet news about their upcoming movies and athletes can tweet about their performance in games or any other relevant news to them. Twitter helps keep followers of these celebrities as up to date as possible.

Twitter can also have a huge effect on the news. There have been many times that important news has been posted on Twitter before any news station officially reports it. Whenever someone witness' something newsworthy, they can post it to their Twitter page so other can find out about this information. They can also take pictures of what is going on and post these pictures to their Twitter for others to view.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. For my family, thanksgiving is a day filled with food and football. I go to my Aunt's house early on and start watching football as soon as I get there and watch it all day until we leave. The only break i take is to eat.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

1st Quarter Grades

My first quarter grades were pretty good. Overall, I am happy with my report card and my parents will be too. I should be able to have a "happy" thanksgiving for the first time in a few years. The only complaint is that the -'s were added to the grading system which didn't help one or two of my grades.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Every year on Thanksgiving, my family always goes to my Aunt's house in East Meadow. We go there around noon and spend all day there. It usually ends up with all of the cousins and uncles in the den watching football all day while the rest of the family sits in the kitchen and talks. These traditions dont really mean to much to us but it is just something that we always do.

Friday, November 20, 2009

1st Quarter Grades

Today the grades for the 1st quarter come out and I think I did pretty well. I got mostly A's with the exception of a few classes, but my one complaint is the new grading system with minuses. In several of my classes, I got minuses which are not helping the grades at all. I wish that they wouldnt have instituted the new grading system that they did.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Google Docs

i. Include a review of the functionality of the technology for the following areas (both good and bad):
1. Business
2. Social
3. Entertainment
4. News
5. Recreationaliii. In your analysis be sure to explain how this technology could potentially be abused and the possible repercussions that could follow

Favorite Vacation

The best vacation I have ever been on was when I went on a cruise. It was a week long cruise that left the United States out of Florida. Throughout the week, we made a stop in Jamaica, and several stops throughout Mexico. This was a great vacation because there was always something to do. On the ship, there was basketball, mini-golf, a pool and other options to always be doing something and I also met a lot of new people on the ship. Then every couple days, we would stop in another place, and be able to get off the boat and tour around. The cruise provided a lot of different things to do with a lot of freedoms.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


My favorite sports teams are the Houston Texans and New York Yankees. I like to play football, baseball and basketball. I don't have any real preference when it comes to music. My favorite type of food is Italian food.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Welcome to my blog. This is the new blog I have created for BCA. There are some links to some interesting websites along the side. Enjoy.